Healthy Recipies

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Joni's Crunchy Granola

My sister taught me how to make this when I was younger and I taught my husband how to make it when we got married. Now he makes it all the time for us!

Makes approximately 20 cups. It is very good as cereal or mixed with yogurt.

10 C. rolled oats
1 C. sunflower seeds (raw; shelled)
1 C. whole wheat flour
1 T. cinnamon
1 t. nutmeg
1 T. vanilla
2 C. nuts (pecans, silvered or whole raw almonds, walnuts, whatever you like)
1 C. shredded coconut
1/2 C. sesame seeds
1/2 C. powdered milk (we never use this because it's something we don't have on hand but you can use it)
1 t. salt
1 1/2-2 C. honey or agave
2 C. raisins (optional)
1 C. olive or canola oil

In a large bowl, combine oats, coconut, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flour, powdered milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt, and mix together well. In medium saucepan, heat oil, honey (or agave) and vanilla just until warm. Pour over dry ingredients and stir well with a large spoon or hands. Spread thin on 2-3 cookie sheets. Bake at 300 degrees for 40-50 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Remove from oven and stir in raisins and nuts. Let cool. Store in airtight container.

Friday, May 23, 2014

It's Not About the Number

My Health Science Professor, Lynn Perkes said something in class which I thought was profound: "A healthy body weight is what a person weighs when they have and are consistently applying correct health principles overtime." I loved this concept because I feel so many people focus the majority of their attention on the appearance of their body instead of focusing on how to be more healthy. Granted, we should all spiffy ourselves up and use proper hygiene but we should not become obsessed with wanting an artificial barbie-looking body. While studying Health Science, I have come to realize that we cannot look at a person and assume that one-size-fits-all. In other words, there are correct lifestyles, but there is not a specific weight for everyone. Rather than focusing on losing weight, maybe we should focus on making healthier lifestyle choices and then weight which needs to be lost will happen as a by-product of healthy living. Maybe instead of losing weight as the goal we should shift our focus to health as our optimal goal.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sweet Dreams

I find it funny how many college students stay up all night studying and then sleep for 3-5 hours when they could have consolidated their memory by going to bed and then studied a little more the next morning. The more full-nights of sleep before a test, the better. But I think memory consolidation is something that everyone wants. Isn't snoozing a fun and snugly way to process your memory? Sweet dreams everybody!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Salubrious Smoothie Recipe

My husband and I live near some ice cream and cupcake shops. We LOVE ice cream but we try not to buy some unless it's a holiday or perhaps finals week at school. But, whenever we're craving something sweet we make tasty smoothies with our ninja-blender-thingy! They are just as yummy as ice cream, but a lot healthier. I have no research to back it up, but I once read an article about how when we crave sugar it is a sign that our bodies need minerals. Minerals can be found in fruits. Either way, smoothies are a fruity snack to curb your sweet tooth! Thanks to my Aunt Gail, here is a recipe:

1 C. or more of fresh spinach or kale
1 1/2 inch chunk of ginger
2 T. of chia seeds
1-2 frozen banana(s)
Some coconut, rice, or almond milk (the less liquid the more thick it will be)
1/4 C. of any kind of berries
1 t. vanilla
4-7 cubes of ice

Blend. Drink. Feel Energized.

3 Reasons Why Your Body Loves Water

For all you water-drinkers out there, here is what your body loves about water! In the booklet The New Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide: Science-Based Strategies for a Better Life, Dorene D. Robinson, RD CDN (2012) encourages the intake of water (8 glasses for women, 12 glasses for men) because of three things:

1. In a 2010 study, adults who drank 16 oz. of water before meals lost 4.4 lbs more over 12-weeks than non-water drinkers following a reduced-calorie diet. 
2. Carbonated cola leaches calcium from your system and sweet beverages leave you more thirsty because the sugar content draws fluids into your GI tract. So water is the best choice for your body when it comes to fluids.
3. Three review studies between 2001 & 2005 show that dehydration results in decreased alertness, cardiovascular function, concentration, and short-term memory and increased tiredness, headaches, moodiness and reaction times (p.7)

Hooray for Water!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Legumes Can Lower Your LDL Cholesterol

In the booklet, The New Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide: Science-Based Strategies for a Bettter Life, Dorene D. Robinson, RD CDN (2012) promotes legumes because they have been shown to lower LDL Cholesterol. There are many types of legumes to choose from:

  • Black beans
  • Black-eyes peas
  • Garbanzo (chickpeas)
  • Great northern beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Lentils & split peas
  • Limas
  • Baby limas
  • Pinto beans
  • Red beans
  • Small white beans
  • Soybeans
Robinson teaches "that legumes are high in fiber and protein and low in fat." She continues, "depending on the bean, a fair source of zinc, calcium, or iron." Among other things, legumes can "help prevent heart disease, colon cancer, and type 2 diabetes" (p. 11). 

Below is a link on how to prepare pinto beans in a crockpot (and be sure to skip the bacon ingredient it calls for!). 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

10 Reasons Why I Love My Yoga Ball

1. It makes a great desk chair
2. It's good for your posture
3. You can use it to pop your back
4. You can do push-ups with it
5. You can do sit-ups with it
6. It's fun to balance on it
7. It's pink
8. You can bounce up and down while sitting at the desk
9. It's a great bench press
10. You can use it for your interpretive dances

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Mental & Pysical Effects of Laughter

Keep the giggles coming because they have serious health benefits. The website (2014) contributes an article called Laughter is the Best Medicine: The Health Benefits of Humor and Laughter. The article names the following results of laughter:

Physical Health Benefits
  • Boosts immunity
  • Lowers stress hormones
  • Decreases pain
  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Prevents heart disease

Mental Health Benefits
  • Eases anxiety & fear
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves mood
  • Enhances resilience
  • Brings more zest to your life (2014). Laughter is the best medicine: The health benefits of humor and laughter. Retrieved on May 9, 2014 from


Thursday, May 8, 2014

French Peasant Bread Recipe

This is something that my husband and I love to bake! Sometimes we had raw (crushed) sunflower seeds to the dough. Thanks to my Aunt Alliene, I have this recipe...but I did make a few changes to it...shhh--don't tell her!


1 pkg. dry yeast (or 2 1/4 t.)
1 T. brown sugar
4 c. whole wheat flour
2 c. warm water
2 t. salt
olive oil cooking spray
melted butter
1/4 - 1/2 c. raw (crushed) sunflower seeds (optional)


Place yeast, water, sugar and salt in a warm bowl and stir till dissolved. Add flour and stir until blended. Do not knead. Cover with a damp kitchen towel and let rise one hour or until doubled in size. Flour hands, remove dough from the bowl and place in 2 rounds on an oiled cookie sheet sprinkled with cornmeal. Let rise an additional hour. Brush the top of dough mounds with melted butter and bake at 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees and cook an additional 15 minutes. Remove from oven and brush again with butter. Serve warm.

Why We Need To Eat Breakfast

Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Lynn R. Perkes (2013) describes the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast in his book A Time and Season For Change: Personal Weight Management and Wellness System. Perkes points out how breakfast "provides your body with fuel and nutrients to start the day and lays the foundation for day-long and life-long health." Perkes continues by explaining, "Skipping breakfast is associated with a depressed metabolism, increased food consumption throughout the day, and is strongly linked to the development of obesity" (p. 27). This being said, we should plan ahead so we can be sure to have a healthy breakfast each morning.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mindful Eating

According to HBO's "The Weight of a Nation" mindful eating can help you manage weight because it helps you know the difference of when you are eating because you are hungry vs eating because you are stressed or bored. Instead of restricting yourself by dieting, mindful eating simply helps you be aware of how you are eating and what you are eating so you don't over-do it. 

So next time you eat, wait a few seconds (or even minutes) before eating your food. Notice the smell and texture of your food. Then eat a little at a time while chewing slowly. Try to name the flavors which your taste buds embrace. 

HBO's "The Weight of a Nation" retrieved on May 3, 2014 from

Friday, May 2, 2014

Breathe Deeply

According to Student Wellness & Health Promotion, Self-Help Stress Management Strategies: 

Most Westerners tend to breathe shallowly, sometimes almost panting. This kind of shallow breathing activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, the branch that controls the flight or fight response. By learning to breathe more deeply and pulling your breath down to your abdomen, you can consciously activate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system, the branch that the body uses to relax and begin the process of entering sleep. (p. 1)

Retrieved on May 2, 2014 from

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Zesty Quinoa Recipe

1 C. Quinoa
2 C. Water
1/4 C. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Limes, juiced
2 t. Cumin
1 1/2 C. Cherry tomatoes (halved)
1 15oz. Can of black beans (rinsed)
5 Green onions (finely chopped)
1/4 C. Fresh cilantro (chopped)
Salt & pepper to taste

Bring quinoa and water to a boil in saucepan. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until quinoa is tender and water has been absorbed, 10-15 minutes. Set aside and cool. Whisk olive oil , lime juice, cumin, 1 t. of salt, together in a bowl. 
Combine quinoa, tomatoes, black beans, and green onions together in a bowl. Pour dressing over quinoa mixture; toss to coat. Stir in cilantro; season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately or chill in refrigerator.