Healthy Recipies

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

3 Reasons Why Your Body Loves Water

For all you water-drinkers out there, here is what your body loves about water! In the booklet The New Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide: Science-Based Strategies for a Better Life, Dorene D. Robinson, RD CDN (2012) encourages the intake of water (8 glasses for women, 12 glasses for men) because of three things:

1. In a 2010 study, adults who drank 16 oz. of water before meals lost 4.4 lbs more over 12-weeks than non-water drinkers following a reduced-calorie diet. 
2. Carbonated cola leaches calcium from your system and sweet beverages leave you more thirsty because the sugar content draws fluids into your GI tract. So water is the best choice for your body when it comes to fluids.
3. Three review studies between 2001 & 2005 show that dehydration results in decreased alertness, cardiovascular function, concentration, and short-term memory and increased tiredness, headaches, moodiness and reaction times (p.7)

Hooray for Water!

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